lunes, 22 de enero de 2018

Be Mine (English Translation) 9

Thanks to eeeeveryone for their favs and reviews, as I already told you, every email or message is a smile on my face.
I hope you enjoy this short chapter that brings us a new change of direction.
Capítulo 9
You're packing a suitcase for a place none of us has been
A place that has to be believed to be seen
You could have flown away
A singing bird in an open cage
Who will only fly, only fly for freedom
Walk on, walk on
What you've got they can't deny it
Can't sell it, or buy it
Walk on, walk on
Stay safe tonight
And I know it aches
And your heart it breaks
And you can only take so much
Walk on, walk on
Walk on / U2

Bella POV
My recovery was slow ... my body didn´t have the same regeneration capacities as Paul´s, so I had to stay in the hospital for 5 more days until I was finally discharged. Paul was by my side every minute possible, especially when it was time to feed me. Emily and Sue Clearwater were devoted to bring me exquisite meals that they took turns to prepare, so I had lunch time alone with Paul (Charlie had returned to work) and later we had dinner (Charlie, Paul and me) as a family.

I found it hard to believe that Charlie was aware of the wolves in La Push and the Cullens as vampires, but apparently Sam had consulted the council and they had agreed that Charlie deserved to know the cause of my mysterious illness and possible death: That Paul had imprinted on me.
But it wasn´t the supernatural part that freak him out as much as to assume that his only daughter belonged to a werewolf forever! I mean… it was bananas even for me…! Being imprinted was the last thing I needed, and Paul had thought the same at the time, but unlike him, I didn´t tried to fight against my new feelings, and instead I embraced them with a passion. I decided that if the Universe picked that man among millions and millions of options, then maybe Paul was the one for me... Maybe I should give him a chance, after all who the hell was I to contradict it?
I loved Paul, Paul loved me, and it was physically impossible to separate us now that we both accepted the bond as eternal and irrevocable... He would never leave me again... And I would never go through what I had suffered because of Edward´s and Paul´s abandonment.
Paul spent the first 3 days of our reunion asking for forgiveness and explaining why he had acted as he had. I obviously didn´t share his views, but I couldn´t help but appreciate his honesty and concern for my well-being.
On Wednesday morning I was discharged, and Paul, Jake and Charlie fought for the “privilege” of pushing my wheelchair, until Paul got bored of arguing and grabbed me in his arms and took me to the parking lot to get on the seat of the passenger of my truck.
Charlie and Jacob followed us in Charlie's patrol evidently pissed off, but nobody dared to fight with Paul in my presence, because my instinct of protection woke up and defended him like a lioness (not that he needed it, Paul had the temper of a thousand demons with everyone but me).
When Charlie got home, he parked and opened the door, so I didn´t get cold. With the defenses so low, the last thing I needed was temperature changes.
Paul again took me in his arms and walk directly into the house placing me in the rocking chair next to the fireplace in the living room. He covered me with a blanket and sat peacefully at my feet.
-“Do you need something princess? Tea, coffee, a Pop Tart... Milky Way maybe?” - He asked.
-“You´re trying to get me fat?” - I said half-jokingly.
-“Yep ... I have almost regained my normal weight, but you need at least twenty extra pounds to be healthy again” – He said.
-“I know ...” - I said feeling self-conscious for being so extremely thin... I looked like an anorexic, but the truth is that my body had simply decided to die without Paul by my side, no matter how crazy that sounded... – “Now that you are with me I will gain weight in no time... soon you're going to be complaining about why my ass is too fat”.

-“I'm never going to complain about having more of you to caress - He said lowly, and smiled that sexy smile of his”.
Charlie rasped, uncomfortable, while Jake looked at us with a deep frown. Neither of them liked anything about my relationship with Paul, but there was nothing neither of them could do, because the imprint is an unbreakable bond, (as we had already shown), so neither of them would try to oppose it, or we would risk new episodes of "Bella begins to die".
I supposed (wrongly) that Charlie had assumed Paul as a necessary evil, but he didn´t wasted the opportunity to threaten him with torture, death and missing body parts. Jake intervened in these conversations to offer his help with the secret burials of the leftovers of the corps. Aggh, men!
-“You don´t have to go back to work?” - I asked Charlie as I stroked Paul's hair with the tips of my fingers. Soon and to my delight, Paul began to purr, and Jake looked at us like he was about to throw up on the old carpet.
-“I can take the day off” - Said Charlie with little desire to leave us alone.
-“It is not necessary, Paul can take care of me” - I answered.
-“That's what I'm afraid of” - Charlie growled.
-“Dad!” - I rebuked him while blushing, already fed up with his constant attacks on Paul.
-“Don´t worry Charlie, I'm going to be careful to keep things decent” - Jacob interjected.
I couldn´t suppress a smile at the thought of Jake as the guardian of the morals and good manners
-“Good Jake, do not lose sight of them. There is money near the microwave, ask for a pizza or whatever you want for lunch. Bella, at night we'll eat anything that Sue prepares for us, so I don´t want you to cook or make unnecessary efforts, remember you're convalescent” – Instructed Charlie.
-“I know dad ...” - I said in a bored tone – “Now, you have a good day and don´t worry, I'll be well taken care of”.
-“Yes, of course, for two werewolves” - He mumbled, heading for the door. Once he was gone Jake asked
-“What do you want to do, Bells?”
-“I don´t know ... how about a movie?” - I thought thinking of a neutral scene while Paul continued to purr at my feet, totally indifferent to Jake's plans.
-“Perfect, what?” - Jake asked with false enthusiasm.
- “You choose... the DVD box is in the hole under the staircase...” - I gestured.
-“Paul” - I whispered very low when Jake buried his nose in the box. When Paul turned to look at me, I assaulted him with a kiss on the lips, sucking his lower lip and running it with my tongue... Pure experimentation, zero technique… Mmmmmh... So good…
He responded immediately taking control, but his kisses were sweet and tender, infinitely loving and delicate in consideration of my weak state of health.
-“Hey! Enough of that!” - Jake demanded, with a lot of movies in his arms.
-“I'm sorry” - I muttered, embarrassed that I had been the one inciting the kiss.
-“Fuck you!” - Responded Paul with his eyes closed, while kissing me on the lips once more time, just to further piss Jake off.
-“What movies did you choose?” - I asked when Paul released my lips now swollen and tingling.
-“Blade I, II and III; Rocky I, II, III and IV; X Men I, II and III; Spiderman I, II and III ... I want a marathon of some movie franchise, you can choose the theme...” - Said Jake.
-“Bella?” - Asked Paul, giving me the choice.
-“I've had enough of the supernatural ... I vote for Rocky! Besides, I like Ivan Drago” - (I've always had something for the Russians, and Ivan Drago is my favorite Russian).
Two grunts retorted my answer.
-“Hey, he's the best!” - I defended myself- “I can not be beaten. I defeat all men. Someday I will beat champion. And if he dies, he dies”. I quoted in my worst and fakest Russian accent –That sounds like a werewolf speech to me” - I teased.
-“Well, I like Stallone´s wife” - Responded Paul, obviously trying to make me jealous.
-“You´re referring to Brigitte Nielsen right? Drago´s wife in the movie? She was beautiful, I give you that, but I'm sorry baby, she´s a super mega skank, and if you ever do it with her, then your thingy will fall down and die and it will never come near me” – I laughed.
-“Ok then...” – He said, easily – “I'll spend my life conforming just with you ... over and over and over again” – He added kissing my hands ... Mmmmmh... He's so sexy! I couldn´t wait to be alone with my Paul, although Jake and Charlie wouldn´t make things easy for us.
-“Hey, I told you, enough of those things you two! Bella needs to rest!” – Grunted Jake.
-“It's okay Jake, we´ll behave, I'm sorry ...” - I said, determined not to make things more trying for Jake.
We watched the first two Rocky movies and then we stopped for lunch. We ordered 3 family pizzas: Paul and Jake dispatched one each and the remains of mine. I only ate 3 pieces and I was so satisfied that I thought I would puke, but Paul wouldn´t let me complain again about my lack of appetite.
Then we saw the next two movies and I fell asleep in Paul's arms. By the time I woke Charlie was home and Jake had gone to his.
Charlie was setting the table to serve the meatloaf that Sue sent us.
-“Dad…” - I said all groggy for the nap – “There's something we haven´t discussed ...” - I sighed as I sat heavily at the table. I didn´t want to ruin dinner, but the sooner I took it out of my chest, the better.
–“Tell me Bells” – He said looking at me seriously.
-“Paul... he needs to sleep in the house... He can´t be separated from me and you´ll not expect him to sleep outside...” - I argued.
-“Why should he sleep here? Don´t you have a house in The Reservation, boy?”
-“Yes sir” - Paul replied, trying to stay calm for my sake – “But the imprint doesn´t allow me to leave Bella while she is not fully recovered... It's instinctive… If it bothers you that I stay inside I can sleep in the forest in the form of a wolf, it's not as if I have not done it before...” – He offered.
-“No way!” - I defended him – “If Paul sleeps in the forest, I´ll go to sleep with him!”  
-“Isabella Marie, I forbid you!” - Charlie shouted, losing his patience completely.
-“Dad, I am 18 years old and you can´t forbid me!”
-“I can while you live under this roof! You're not going to sleep with this boy, he's not good enough for you! Don´t you know about the filthy reputation he has?” - Charlie exploded, giving me a very low blow.
-“Then that´s it? Your last word?” - I asked defiantly.
-“That's right” - Charlie proclaimed, folding his arms.
In truth, I think it was more a battle of wills, a strong bluff, than anything serious, but we both though that the other would surrender, and we both were wrong.
-“Fine!” - I yelled.
-“Fine!” - He shouted. I left the table furious, and went up to my room slamming the door behind me. Frenetically, gasping and shaking, I took an expandable canvas bag from my closet, and opened it to its maximum capacity, systematically emptying the drawers of my underwear, shirts, pants, etc. and filling the bag.
Then, I took the bag and opening the window, I threw it into the garden. Next, I grabbed my backpack and I put in it all my school books and added my laptop, the chargers, and my cell phone, besides some documents and my vitamins, and putting it on my right shoulder I left the room walking decidedly towards the living room, where Paul was anxiously waiting for me next to the main door.
-“Bella what are you doing?” - Charlie asked, scared, I think.
-“I'm leaving!” - I shrieked, and taking Paul's hand, I directed him so we headed to my truck. Paul saw immediately my canvas bag on the grass and threw it on the back of the truck, and then he opened the passenger door for me. I was clearly too angry to drive.
Once we were on the road, suddenly the anger left me and gave way to the grief... And I broke down crying feeling miserable and alone. I had acted on impulse and now I realized that I really didn´t have anywhere to go. I never even asked Paul if it would be okay if I stayed at his house for a while, and our relationship was too new, we hadn´t even had sex and I was already moving in with him, uninvited? What kind of lunatic would Paul think I am?
But when he saw me crying, Paul silently parked the truck on the side of the road and took me in his arms, letting me unload all my grief and shame on his strong chest.
-“I ... I'm sorry ...” - I sobbed – “I shouldn´t have acted like that, and even less without asking you... But I just… I hate to see Charlie treating you like that...! I ... Can I stay with you for one night? Or two? Maybe Jacob...” - I began to make plans out loud. Jake would help me, he always rescued me.
-“Shut up, princess” - Paul said firmly – “You're mine and you were going to move in with me anyways, so what´s the matter if it's a couple of months earlier? Now stop crying and let’s celebrate that from today on we are officially going to live in sin!”
-“You really don´t care?” - I asked hopefully... I would love to always be with Paul, just as Emily was always with Sam.
-“Of course I care!” - He said, seriously. My soul went to the floor again – “I'm going to live with the woman I love, I'm happy!”
-“Oh Paul!” - I exclaimed cheerfully – “I love you, you´ll never regret it! Never, never!”
-“Of course I won´t regret it... You are my woman, and I need you with me, ideally in The Reservation. Now dry those tears and give me a kiss” - He said with a sweet smile. I couldn´t resist him and I kissed him with everything I had.
When we got to Paul's house, he went to take my bag with my clothes, and I took the things from the school, but suddenly Paul grabbed me in his arms to cross the threshold. He kissed me softly on the lips and with a smile able to illuminate the room, he told me.
-“Welcome to your castle, princess”.
How will that cohabitation result?

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